What should I bring?
Cold Immersion sessions: cold plunge attire under comfortable loose fitting clothing.
Can be a bathing suit, athletic wear etc
Water bottle
2 towels
Sandals for outdoor tub
Breathwork sessions:
Yoga mat if you have one
Water bottle
Eye pillow if you have one
Wear comfy clothes
Journal if you wish
Is it safe for me to participate in Breathwork and/or Cold Immersion?
Participating in breathwork, and cold immersion can be safe and beneficial for many individuals when done correctly and under appropriate conditions and guidance.
Breathwork Safety: Generally safe for most people, but those with respiratory or cardiovascular conditions should consult a healthcare professional first.
Cold Immersion Safety: Should be approached cautiously, especially for those with heart conditions including pacemaker, high blood pressure, pregnant women, or respiratory issues.
General Tips:
Always listen to your body’s signals.
Stay hydrated before and after these activities.
Start with shorter sessions to gauge your body’s response.
For personalized advice, especially if you have any health concerns, consult with a healthcare provider prior to participation.
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